domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

My impressions about the 6th International Sociodrama Conference

My impressions about the 6th International Sociodrama Conference: «From the Caos to the Encounter».

Brazil, as most of the countries, is living a very deep crisis. This can be seen at all levels: personal, social and in the relation with nature. Traumas are everywhere and there are lots of people feeling very loonely, trying to work with the  most disavantege ones.
Liders are lost, and most of the people feel paralised.

For me, the sentence that most synthesis what happens in this Conference is this «From the Caos to the Encounter». This means, that working together, we can transform the "caos" in something very powerful that makes us feel accompained and also that helps us to find both our own purpose and our colective purpose.

Praia do Canto, Balneário de Camboriú

More about this Conference HERE.


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