domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

«The social graph [of Facebook] is 80 years old»


«(...) The four bubbles on the left are the world’s first sociogram, penned by a physician named Jacob Moreno in 1932. He was examining an epidemic of runaways at the Hudson School for Girls: fourteen girls had run away in two weeks. Instead of examining each case individually, he mapped all fourteen girls on a graph, showing how the each case socially influenced the others, eventually leading to a social kind of epidemic. (...)»

 «(...) As any Klout user can tell you, the metric of “social influence” is still alive and well. And for anyone skeptical about the social graph, it’s a powerful reminder: people have been at this for quite a while, and modern social networks are barely scratching the surface.(...)»

Para saber mais: AQUI

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