domingo, 20 de agosto de 2023

Sociodrama Bibliography: / Bibliografia sobre Sociodrama:

(Updated: / Atualizado a: 11/07/2024)

Recent publications: / Publicações recentes:

Gonçalves, R. & Belchior, M. (2024). A Escola vai ao Museu Geológico: ampliar e ressignificar as formas de relação com a memória. Cadernos De Sociomuseologia, 67(23), 167-179.

Jecu, M., Belchior, M., & Gonçalves, R. (2023). MUHNAC: ’Artistas, Património e o Museu’ Estudo do Caso: Ação Educativa com crianças. Cadernos De Sociomuseologia, 65(21), 43-54.



Project Discovering Languages of Peace - Handbook on Sociopsychodrama (2023):

Publicações PERFORMERS #2  (2017 - 2021):


Other publications (Most relevant authors) / Outras publicações (Autores mais relevantes):

Giacomucci, S. (2021). Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama, Experiential Approaches for Group Therapists, Community Leaders, and Social Workers.

Blatner, A. (2019). Action Explorations - Using Psychodramatic Methods in Non-Therapeutica Settings. Parallax Productions

Wiener,R., Adderley, D., Kirk, K. (Ed.). (2011). Sociodrama in a Changing World. Lulu Ed.

Sternberg, P., and Garcia, A. (2000). Sociodrama: Who’s in Your Shoes? (S. Edition-Praeger, Ed.). Praeger Publisher.


In many countries there is not a clear distinction between Psychodrama and Sociodrama, as I learned here in Portugal and makes sense to me. They use Psychodrama as a general umbrela, that includes two different approaches, even if they use the same action methods, created by J. L. Moreno (1889 - 1974). The first, is focused on the individual psychotherapeutic process, even if it is lived in a group (this is what in Portugal is called the clinical approach and is Psychodrama);  the second one is focused on the groups processes, approaches social and cultural issues, using the same action methods inspired in Moreno's philosophy (this is Sociodrama).

Em muitos países não existe uma clara distinção entre Psicodrama e Sociodrama como aprendi aqui em Portugal e que me faz sentido. Nesses casos o termo Psicodrama é utilizado num sentido abrangente, que inclui duas abordagens diferentes, ainda que usem os mesmos métodos ativos, criados por J. L. Moreno (1889 - 1974). A primeira abordagem é focada no processo terapêutico individual, mesmo que este seja vivenciado num grupo (é o que em Portugal se chama a abordagem clínica, o Psicodrama); a segunda abordagem é focada nos processos do grupo, debruça-se sobre questões sociais e culturais, utilizando os mesmo métodos ativos inspirados na filosofia de Moreno (é o Sociodrama).


domingo, 13 de agosto de 2023

OPEN HOUSE - 3 de Setembro - 8th International Sociodrama Conference (Budapeste, 26 a 30 June 2024)


Have you submitted your abstract and you are curious to learn about next steps?
Are you thinking about submitting an abstract but not too sure what to present?
Have you attended any of the previous Sociodrama Conferences and you are interested in learning more about the upcoming one?
Are you simply interested in sociodrama?
It is our great pleasure to invite you to our OPEN HOUSE: Introductory Workshop to the 8th International Sociodrama Conference! On Sunday, September 3, 2023
In the workshop we will discover the history of the International Sociodrama Conference, learn more about the concept of next year’s conference, discuss any practical questions regarding abstracts and applications, and get to know the team behind the 2024 conference!
It is a free workshop but registration is required. Please register on the below link: